Saturday, January 5, 2008

Jumping jobs

Ms. Mack, I will be unable to perform any Jumping Jobs this year due to what the Star-Ledger insists on calling "the Summer Camp Machete Nightmare." I will, however, be available for Crawling Jobs, Rolling Jobs, and Sitting Quietly Wondering Why Someone Would Give A Retarded Kid A Machete Jobs.

Thank you.

New School Year!!!

Dear New Class,

I hope everyone had a great summer because this school year will be the best one yet! My name is Ms. Mack and I am looking forward to meeting all of you!

As fourth graders, you will be expected to become Rapid Readers, Mathematical Magicians and Happy Historians throughout the year. Not only will you achieve your classwork goals, but you will respectful, honest and on time for class each and every day. Each of you will have Jumping Jobs to do and they will be done well. Only the best is expected, nothing less.

Expect homework as a fun but serious opportunity to review what you have beeen taught throughout the week because a quiz may be in the works!

Please don't be shy! Whenever you want to speak to me, let me know by email. Or in class. Or in your notebook. Or on a pencil.